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Take urinary tract infections, for example. Women with diabetes are about two to three times more likely to have bacteria in their bladders than women without diabetes (interestingly, the same does not appear to be true for men). There also seems to be an increased risk of the infection spreading upwards into the kidneys in diabetic patients, and diabetic women with urinary tract infections are also more likely to require hospitalization than non-diabetic women.
Why is this the case? Well, diabetes affects many systems that protect against infection in general, and against urinary tract infections specifically. Poor circulation in diabetes reduces the ability of infection-fighting white blood cells to get where they need to go. When they do get there, they are less able to ingest the offending bacteria and kill them than normal white blood cells. Many people with diabetes also have dysfunctional bladders that contract poorly; this allows urine to remain in static pools for long periods of time, providing luxurious ponds for bacteria to grow in.
Because of this propensity for serious infections of the bladder and kidneys, there is a school of thought that recommends screening for and treating asymptomatic bladder infections in diabetic women. Asymptomatic bladder infections occur when bacteria are found in the bladder by doing a urine culture, even though the woman has no symptoms and is unaware of their presence. The logic here is that these bacteria are likely to be biding their time before causing more serious mischief, and a pre-emptive strike would benefit patients by preventing more dangerous infections later.
This idea is not confined to people with diabetes. At present we look for and treat asymptomatic bladder infections in pregnant women and in patients about to have surgery on their bladders or kidneys. On the other hand, there are studies showing that this “screen and treat” approach does no measurable good in other groups of patients prone to urinary tract infections, such as those with spinal cord injuries, or elderly folks in nursing homes.
A new study now shows that the “screen and treat” strategy is not worthwhile in women with diabetes. Researchers in Canada took a little over a hundred women with diabetes (80% had type 2 diabetes) who had two positive urine cultures but no symptoms of a urinary tract infection. They split the women into two groups, one that received standard antibiotic therapy, while the other got a placebo. Not surprisingly, taking the antibiotic was found to clear the urine of bacteria in the majority of women. Over the next two years, however, both groups had the same rates of symptomatic urinary tract infection and hospitalization. Antibiotic therapy was unable even to delay the onset of the next episode of symptomatic urinary tract infection.
Screening and treating hundreds of thousand of diabetic women each year for asymptomatic bladder infections would cost an awful lot of money, and this new study makes it clear that it’s not worth the expense. Furthermore, given the rise of drug-resistant strains of bacteria, there is even more incentive to cut back on unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions. On the down side, women with diabetes will continue to be at increased risk of serious urinary tract infection relative to non-diabetic women, and we find ourselves no closer to closing the gap.
Nh ada juga komplikasi of diabetes uti
Urinary Tract Infection, (UTI) is a common ailment and can affect people of all ages, sex, and from all cultures. However, there are certain groups of people that are more prone to UTI than others. Women, for example, for reasons yet to be firmly established, carry a greater risk of UTI. Diabetic patients too fall under this category. Going further, pregnant women with diabetes are probably amongst the most vulnerable to UTI.
Diabetic women are at a higher risk of developing to urinary tract infection (UTI) after menopause as compared to non-diabetic women. In fact, a study by University of Washington, Seattle revealed that the risk of UTI in diabetic women was 80% higher than others. UTI in diabetic patients is not only more severe but also is more recurrent as compared to non-diabetic patients.
The sugar content of urine in a diabetic patient provides a breeding ground for bacteria once they enter the bladder. The most serious but rare types of UTI like pyelonephritis, widespread infections, abscesses, inflammation of the bladder wall, occur mostly in diabetic individuals.
The risk of UTI increases with any negative change in the immune system of the body. Diabetes, like many other disorders, affects the immune system, increasing the risk of a urinary tract infection.
Another characteristic of UTI in diabetic patients is that of the risk of presence of asymptomatic (having no symptoms of illness or disease) bacteriuria - presence of bacteria in urine - is much greater than in others. Treating this condition, according to study conducted in 2003, is of little value as it does not prevent complications.
Diabetes may cause conditions of overactive bladder or neurogenic bladder. Whereas, an overactive bladder is common, neurogenic bladder is rare but more a severe condition.
Diabetic men and women commonly face problems like feeling of urinary urgency, incontinence, frequency and getting up at night often to urinate. A severe condition often manifests in the shape of painful urination and retention of urine in the bladder. Bladder infection treatment in cases of neurogenic bladder involve a urinary tract infection cure with medication targeting better bladder emptying and a course of action called timed urination. Timed urination refers to behavior changes for promoting efficient urination.
Harding, Godfrey K.M., Zhanel, George G., Nicolle, Lindsay E., Cheang, Mary, the Manitoba Diabetes Urinary Tract Infection Study Group, Antimicrobial Treatment in Diabetic Women with Asymptomatic Bacteriuria. New England Journal of Medicine 2002 347: 1576-1583
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